Thursday, November 24, 2005

the As are OVER!!!!!!!!!
on a more sombre note, today's e4 paper - i bombed spectacularly.
tell me, how do i do well on an essay on which i compared only half a poem?????
that's exactly what yours truly did. i missed out the second half of the second poem to compare and contrast cos it was on the next page. it's enough that it's a compare and contrast - which i've never done for e4 before.
i die!
and the second essay was rather terrible too cos i missed out talking about spiritual fragmentation.
*beeeeeep*! censored.

arrrhhhh heck man. i can't change a thing anyway. might as well live in deluded bliss for about 3 months before crashing down to reality in March or April when results come out.
holidays, here i comeeeeee!

gotta dash for the school play now! A Christmas Carol i think.
must remember to tell my dad that it's at Barker and not ACS-I or he'll be waiting at I for me at 10 tonight.

6:21 PM;
0 red rose(s) just for you.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

i'm ashamed at my inability to discipline myself and sit down and study, and yet i don't care anymore.
the horrible terrible YUCKY As will be over in 2 days' time and i'm already watching tv and reading books like it's all over. and yet i don't feel totally guilty about it.

i realised that this trial we all call the A-Level Exams bring out the best and worst in everyone.
best in the sense that i never realised i possessed so much endurance and mental tenacity until i had to study for it. i used to be somewhat of a floater, just drifting through the days and not doing anything much productive. in fact, i foresee myself returning to that lazy existence once Thursday is over. the signs of that lifestyle returning is already becoming clearer now.
worst, in the sense that tempers flare for no apparent reason (mine did anyway), fuses are short and friendships are somewhat soured. i was probably a fairly unpleasant creature the past 3 weeks of exams, and i don't blame anyone but myself for those quarrels i've had with some people.
under normal circumstances, i'd really rather not have to quarrel or face confrontations, being the peace-loving creature i am. but put me under exam pressure and watch the sparks fly. not spectacularly or very obviously, but slowly, subtly, my temper bubbles over and i turn quite ugly.
and the worst traits unfold themselves when i face exam stress too. i become extremely extremely lazy where other things other than academic work is concerned. my previously concealed short temper becomes more apparent. my irridex is constantly at antagonism level even when there's no real trigger for it. and i tend to shoot my mouth off without thinking, and what usually comes out is quite nasty to hear.
i don't like that side of me that i've seen in the last few weeks. i've always known that all my bad characteristics were in me, just that they were more covered up in normal days.

reflections aside, i had cramps again today.
and not any later or earlier. any earlier and e8 would've been totally screwed. any later and e4 would've gone kaput too. even later and what was supposed to be a great shopping trip in Bangkok would've become no fun.
see what i mean? there's usually a silver lining around every dark cloud, cliched as it may sound.

5:18 PM;
0 red rose(s) just for you.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

A-Levels begin tomorrow for me!
physical geog - 3 hours of physical and mental HELL.
i'm half terrified and half hopping around in sweet anticipation of the stretching freedom that lies beyond the next 2 weeks.
cos when tomorrow comes, it all begins!
it's like the ending stages of a final fantasy game. where you don't really wanna fight the final boss cos you're afraid you're not ready and might die in the attempt, and yet you're all geared up to jump straight into battle cos you've been preparing for this instant since forever and you wanna see the pretty ending that waits for you once you finish with the boss.
i can't believe how i find myself in exactly the same predicament as the one i found myself in during the prelims. it's the day before the exam and i've still got rocks AND atmo to rush over.
i note wryly here that some things just never change.
once tomorrow comes, the days will simply zip by me. the hours will absolutely fly by, the exam stress unrelenting.
i'm terribly unprepared and yet i feel like i've been preparing for the longest time. paradoxical.
i'm going back to my atmo notes which i will be reading for the last time in my entire life!
oh, the excitement's mounting already!

1:47 PM;
0 red rose(s) just for you.
butterflies and zebras.
kelly marie ang
7 november 1987
chij tp/acjc
nus arts
IHM * zion's joy
kent ridge hall * b-blocker
elizabeth arden-green tea
ralph lauren-glamorous
body shop-white musk
161cm tall

now she's walking through the clouds:
i hope you still feel small
when you stand beside the ocean
whenever one door closes,
i hope one more opens
promise me you'll give faith
a fighting chance

and when you get the choice
to sit it out or dance
dance, _____
i hope you dance.

1 corinthians 13:4-8
love is patient, love is kind.
it is not jealous,
love is not pompous,
it is not inflated,
it is not rude,
it does not seek its own interests,
it is not quick-tempered,
it does not brood over injury,
it does not rejoice over wrongdoing
but rejoices with the truth.
it bears all things,
believes all things,
hopes all things,
endures all things.
love never fails.

movies and fairytales:
when you have to look away
when you don't have much to say
that's when i love you
i love you, just that way.
to hear you stumble when you speak
ir see you walk with two left feet
that's when i love you
i love you; endlessly.


the little rocks
god's rhinos
YES camp 2006
zion's joy
melissa netto
michelle lee
nick tay
sam li

circus mimes.
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
October 2008

i hope you dance.


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